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- Anonymous177 days haceShe is always impeccably dressed and this clip is no exception. The suntan stockings work perfectly with the gray suede heels, the skirt matches her heels, her bra matches her skirt and her blouse compliments her bra. Perfection
- Anonymous282 days haceI got a boner just by watching him remove her shoe
- carolinedixon96331 days haceI'm so needy for your attention. I love the thought of guys jerking it to my teen body f1nd me on carolinedixon_mooo_com change _ to dot
- Anonymous450 days haceShe doesn’t have the best legs and feet but she sure knows how to torment you when they are adorned in a fine pair of sheer , non-stretch, 7 denier, RHT stockings regardless of shade or color.
- Anonymous882 days haceA wonderful Polish woman, if she would allow her to adore her feet, I would be in heaven
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